The technical company under the name «SUNTRACKER» with registered offices in Thessaloniki, having the specialized know how and experience in the field of buildings lighting systems, undertakes the design and installation of the active natural indoors lighting system, SUNTRACKER, in buildings and provides the highest performance in this category as well as a reduction of electrical power cost for lighting 40-80%. companypicture

The Suntracker system is the most  innovative and modern technology of active natural day light in buildings, based on an advanced GPS ST® system for the constant  monitoring of the sun through out the day. The Suntracker system may be exploited as a means of indoors lighting and is considered to be the ideal solution for vast spaces with accessible roof; furthermore,  it can contribute to the improvement of the energy foot print of the buildings without major technical interventions on the  existing infrastructure and without any particular financial charge.

The  technologically advanced Suntracker system, combined with the provision of a package ofi ntegrated services regarding its survey and installation by our company, fully meets the highest quality specifications which respond to the requirements of excellent fitting and functionality.It is a priority of the company to support the exploitation of natural lighting, initially as a basic means of reduction of energy cost in modern buildings.

The right exploitation of the endless solar energy, which is the most important renewable energy source for the Mediterranean countries, where sunshine is the main characteristic, can have obvious benefits to the performance of electrical installations in buildings, and at the same time, it reduces the environmental charge (reduced CO2 emissions). We do consider that the exploitation of natural light, which is prevailing in nowadays reality since its importance to our body and mental health has been acknowledged, should be the rule of thumb in the design of buildings – always in respect of the principles of bioclimatic construction – and contribute, in this way, to the protection of the environment and the upgrade of quality of life.


Suntracker Greece
Riga Fereou 16, Kalamaria 55134 Thessaloniki
Τ/F: 2310 482320
M: 6937135840-1