
VLUU L210 / Samsung L210


Τhe term Green Building refers to the process that the construction and use, which is environmentally friendly and efficient in the use of resources throughout the life cycle of a building.


The goal of the construction of green buildings is to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment2013-09-25-11.33.23-300x225


Designing buildings and sustainable development

OR Green Building brings together a number of practical, techniques and skills to first reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human health.

In many cases, Green Building exploiting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) eg. use of natural lighting through passive and active solar systimaton.Yparchoun two main objectives of sustainable architectural design:


-The buildings should contribute positively to psychological and physical well being of the occupants


– should help to minimize environmental impact during their life cycle.


The architectural design sustainable technologies that have been implemented to date, as well as studies of industry have demonstrated that these approaches can contribute positively towards reducing the ecological footprint of buildings.

Creating healthy buildings – H importance of wellness tenants

The technical construction of a building features, the chemical composition of the building material until the orientation and characteristics of exposures, can affect the wIMG00166-20110215-1310-300x225ell-being of the occupants.

Especially some of these features have a direct impact, affecting even the mood of the occupants. For example, the fact that a building is too cold, to cause disease even, characteristic not generally go unnoticed.


Similarly, the presence of bright light in an area also has a direct impact, causing pleasantly aisthimata.Apo the other side, some features of the building are difficult to identify and their effects on health may become evident only after years of exposure to these, including carcinogenic materials such as asbestos.






The role of natural lighting in green building and the effect on humans20130722_164724-300x225

People are greatly influenced by the natural light and live adaptive to daily and seasonal changes of iliofaneias.I effects of light on humans include a sense of energy and positive mood where sunshine and a sense of sluggishness, a cloudy sky conditions.


Natural light also affects the ability to take on specific tasks. Natural light affects the circadian rhythm, i.e. the average of conducting body functions affecting body temperature, sleep and hormonal changes.


To the person, The circadian rhythm is term 25 hours and constantly reset to match the clock of the day with exposure to light levels of 2.500 lux for short periods or 1.200 lux for at least three


NATURAL LIGHT IN BUILDINGS – design parameters


Objectives when designing for daylighting                                                                                                                                                                                              Design parameters for the use of natural lighting



The general guidance in the design of a building are inherent in the formation of natural light levels inside. The location of the plot, the shape and geometry of the interior, the percentage of transparent elements of the building, orientation and openings characteristics determine not only the nature, the aesthetics and functionality of the building, but significantly affect the quantitative ksi level the quality of natural light indoors.

The relationship of the visual environment and building decoration architecture is complex and layered. firstly depends on the location of the building, which substantially determines the volume of natural light on the face of the building. Then the transparent envelope components determine the amount of light that can penetrate the building, while the opaque elements will determine how it is distributed on the inner surfaces.

The roof openings

The roof openings are usually applied to the upper floors of buildings with large perimeter, the side openings which are not sufficient for illumination of interiors. Their dimensioning, The choice of the number and their position on the ceiling of the space depends on the availability of natural light in the external environment and needs of the site on fotismo.Kata rule roof vents allow penetration of more natural light in connection with the side, because in overcast sky conditions, the brightness at the zenith of the celestial sphere is three-fold compared with the brightness on the horizon. The above light is evenly distributed in space, providing better optical conditions. Additional, their position will minimize the shading of external obstacles or internal provisions, maximizing the exploitation of natural light.


The design-driven natural light is directly related to energy consumption and environmental protection. The replacement of artificial lighting with natural not only reduces power consumption, but further contribute to energy savings by reducing the internal heat gains in summer.


schiphol-1-300x225Since studies have shown that the cost of electricity consumed for lighting and operation of electrical appliances of a six-storey office building during its life (75 years) exceeds the total construction cost of.


Indeed, if adopted exploitation of natural lighting systems, the cost of electricity is reduced by approximately 60%. Alongside, is noteworthy that 46,5% of total US power available for illumination of public buildings and offices.



The energy consumption for lighting accounts for a significant proportion of total energy consumption worldwide (19% electricity consumption) with an upward lod klaslok


According to the international, European and Greek experience, studies and strategies, the energy saving potential is very important, both individual, but, mainly of integrated interventions in lighting system, particularly in buildings of the tertiary tomea.To main benefit of an energy efficient lighting system is energy saving, which can be achieved:


either by reducing the installed capacity ie. efficient systems and / or designing improvedst-lod-klaslok-199x300

or / and by reducing the operation time i.e.. personal awareness and / or adoption of control systems.

Furthermore, improves the visual comfort conditions and aesthetics of the space and increases productivity, while reduced and maintenance costs, due to increased lifetime and efficiency of new lighting.


The energy saving of the lighting system also affects the consumption for heating and cooling with the greatest effect in buildings and hospitals grafeion.Endeiktika, US upgrading of lighting systems (and concomitant savings) can reduce up 30% cooling loads in warmer regions (Advanced Lighting Guidelines 2003, New Buildings Institute) while it is important to reduce peak loads.


The design of the lighting must meet individual (visual comfort, ability to perform the activity, color rendering, well-being, effects not directly related to visible radiation [UV, AND, frequency , spectral distribution]) , social (cost, maintenance, safety, productivity) and environmental (reducing environmental impacts, savings) requirements.




 International Energy Agency issued a publication, whereby existing buildings are responsible for more than 40% of global primary energy consumption and the 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions.10896395-the-diagramme-which-shows-the-statistical-data-300x225


Lighting accounts in 19% of total electricity consumption worldwide and 14% at European level. (CELMA and ELC, Links European Lighting Industry).


In Europe about 50% electricity consumption in buildings tertiary and public sector concerns lighting.